I can see why this is one of the most controversial movies of all time—Woody doesn't wear a single hat in it.
I guess it makes up for that by being the most stylish movie I've ever seen. I don't really know how to write about movies, so I don't know if that's the right word, but what I'm trying to say is that all the cameras were tilty and sometimes it was in black and white and sometimes it was in green and sometimes it was in color and there was almost always stock footage projected somewhere in the background. One of my favorite parts was when the words "too much t.v." were projected onto Mickey and Mallory's bodies.
I like how subtle it is.
The only other thing I'll say about this movie is that I think it would play a very important role were I ever to make a list of every Woody Harrelson movie in an order based on stages of his haircuts, so if you watched them all in that order Woody's hair in each movie would seamlessly transition to the next one. There's a scene in this movie where he shaves his head, and since Woody is bald in so many of his movies, I think this one would make for a very graceful segue between haired Woody and bald Woody.
I thought this was pretty. |
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