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Game Change (2012) - ★★★★☆

For a movie which is exclusively about terrible, evil, horrible, awful people, this is pretty good. Frankly, I'm extremely surprised that I have never been obsessed with Sarah Palin, since she's just the kind of tragically evil figure I can really get behind. Unfortunately, this movie was not capable of igniting that passion within me, mostly because I watched it at a time when most of my spare brain power is taken up by watching videos of Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir figure skate. Sorry, Sarah! I can't even muster up enough interest to watch your recent performance on the best (worst) television show ever made, The Masked Singer. I thought about it, but as soon as I opened up the youtube app, I clicked on this video instead. Whoops!!

I would say the other thing that makes this movie really worth viewing in late September of the year 2020 is that it provides an incredibly potent reminder of just how much Joe Biden's brain has melted in the past 12 years. Not great, folks! 


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