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Showing posts from January, 2021

Scorched (2003) - ★★★★☆

I think this is a nice movie! There were nice characters and nice stories. But why is it called that?? Because it takes place in the desert? Because the annoying bank manager gets ~burned~? Because there's a fire fighter in it? Is it a secret? Why is it a secret?

The Grand (2007) - ★★★★☆

I don't know how to play poker. I assume it's kind of like Yahtzee, which I also don't know how to play. I don't think poker has the only fun looking part of Yahtzee, where you shake the dice in the red cup and it makes a loud noise. Both of them are about numbers (I think), which means I do not care about them. Actually, since I last blogged on here, I passed an important life milestone, which is that I finished the last science class I'll ever have to take in my life. I finished the last math class of my life a year ago, which means that my life is now officially STEM free. I can now give my mind entirely over to purer pursuits—stuff like wishing I could be a seamstress one hundred years ago, wishing I had a Nintendo switch so I could play Lego Harry Potter, and of course, Woody Harrelson. I'm actually on a quest to scourge my mind of all math/science related "knowledge" (knowledge, I ask you, according to who?). It's working pretty well. I don...